Heart-Time Community                                  Esp  Deu 

The central key for the human being is to live from a Heart Consciousness. Because the heart is the door of everything we look for, to our healing, to our personal mission; and thanks to it, we are able to be productive and creative. In this sense, we calle the new Community “It is Heart-Time”.

There are 3 levels of action in this Community: 


1. "Virtual"  =  you asking for support or supporting someone else in the virtual community (Facebook Fanpage) 




2. "Concrete" = you driving beneficial actions for the society (and open up the dialog in the Forum-Facebook)



-->  Idea: Create new charitable projects or open your own Heart-Time Center! 



I train you for free with the Scan-Workshop of the Invisible Healer, through a Group Healing Session and one-hour Heart-Time-Workshop, so through you every time more people will benefit from the Charitable Program based on donations.



Idea: Create new charitable projects or open your own Heart-Time Center!

I train you twice 3 hours in the Group Energy Sessions and short Heart-Time Workshops, so every time more people will benefit from the Charitable Program based on donations.


3. "Local"  = you as participant in an Event with me, in one of the retreat locations established worldwide.





Take a look at the Newsletter when we will be close to your location! The newsletter is free and keeps you informed. – Or become a Coordinator and invite me to work in the Heart-Time with people in your zone.


I understand that my mission it is not only to impart workshops, group sessions or trainings, but also to coordinate a virtual community of mutual help, as well as to support concrete actions in benefit of the society.

I believe that this Mix is the right answer nowadays to communicate efficiently among us, the artists of life, entrepreneurs, non-ordinary people, invisible healers and warriors of the new time who do not fit in any drawer, who strongly feel the call to cocreate together the world we dream of.

The Magic of the Full Moon in Malinalco, main place of our retreats.
The Magic of the Full Moon in Malinalco, main place of our retreats.

Of course, regular and local meetings, such as the ones held in the magic mountain in Malinalco, state of Mexico, are important and can be crucial moments in your life. Those are meetings among masters (like you and me), they are “cosmic gas stations” and have as an objective to laugh, energize and remember. – But the most important comes when after, strengthened we continue our path, when we go back home and back t work.  It is not enough to live transcendental experiences, we need to carry them to daily actions!



If you need information about how to create your Heart-Time-Centre, how to be a Coordinator of our events in your town or a Facilitator of one of the LifeTreeSystem©-Workshops, you can either check the Spanish or German website or drop me an Email.

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Trabajamos sin sustancias psicotrópicas.

We work without psychotropic substances.

Wir arbeiten ohne psychotrope Stoffe.

Símbolo ancestral de la conciencia del corazón y su expansión. / Ancient symbol of heart consciousness and tis expansion. / Uraltes Symbol des Herzbewusstseins und seiner Ausweitung.