
Surfing the Cosmic Web - *new: Superconscious Mind Puebla and Evolution Festival Prague

Where did the Mayans go?

Video about my 13 years of journeying with the Mayan Masters, the ones alive and in parallel worlds. They have the secrets that can help us to master the present time of change as individuals and as humanity.


It is my mission to share their knowledge and to show how we can communicate with them. I call this cosmic shamanism Cosmic Theatre (Kosmické Divadlo).


Spiritual Trips in Mexiko and other powerplaces in the world follow the path of the Mayan Masters. Check out the Eventcalendar (Akce).

Maya Ceremony for Abundance, Mexico

Unfortunately not the best quality because filmed with celular phone. However, gives a good idea of the vibration of major ceremonies with more than hundred people. Powerfull!


Retreat Center, Babcice, Czech Republic

A gift from Tereza Tara, a young gifted film director from Prague. She made this short trailer during a workshop in 2007 in Babcice, Czech Republic. Since then her career has improved steadily and she has even won some film awards in her country.




Laurence Van Radio Show USA with Pascal - Part 1
Pascal talks about his life and learning process, Creativity and Leadership.
Laurence Van Radio Show edited.mp3 def1.
MP3 Audio File 6.9 MB
Laurence Van Radio Show USA with Pascal - Part 2
Laurence Van Radio Show edited.mp3 def2.
MP3 Audio File 6.9 MB
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