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        Spiritual Journeys


New Video by Pascal K'in
New Video by Pascal K'in

Transpersonal Retreats of Cosmic Theatre


Cosmic Theatre means for the Mayas  a creative handling of our own cosmic consciousness, including all the bandwidth from microcosm (cell-information, dna…), mesocosm (communication with our environment…) and macrocosm (interaction with higher intelligences…). Because the door to achieve this is only the Heart, for the Mayas in Mexico, the "heart consciousness" represents the highest level, where we can experience deep inner peace, fulfillment and the power of creation. During a solstice ceremony I was initiated by Don Lauro, a Mayan Elder from the mountains of Chiapas, as modern medicine man and got the charge of spreading the knowledge of the Cosmic Theatre.


Definition: The Cosmic Consciousness is not a detached or elitist experience level, but a universal cosmic intelligence or network intelligence that the earth’s citizens are about to experience again more consciously as part of an ongoing evolutionary process. The user learns to communicate with increasing contents of consciousness and different levels of group consciousness.

Foto: Pascal in meditation during a personal retreat receiving information. In a cave in the mountains of Chiapas (with ray of light on 3rd-Eye-Chakra). Believe to see, not anymore see to believe.
Foto: Pascal in meditation during a personal retreat receiving information. In a cave in the mountains of Chiapas (with ray of light on 3rd-Eye-Chakra). Believe to see, not anymore see to believe.

Shamanic Schools


Shamanism is the oldest school of harmonious coexistence between human beings and their environment. Initiation schools taught spirituality, self-healing and communication with higher levels of consciousness as an everyday habit, even before   religions were founded with their dogmas and taboos. These schools are now around 2012, accessible to anyone who is willing to break the illusion of space-time constraint of reason.

Shamanism is much more than feathers, drums, tipi  ceremonies and soul retrieval, as it is often understood in the "civilized countries". All the  initiated master shamans  I know communicate with different levels of existence and are capable of healing at DNA level or colaborating with ascended masters and the star brothers for the good of humanity.

It is only about being a complete spiritual human again and walking by itself down that path of direct experience. It is not about teaching anymore what someone else has learned!



Retreat on the magic mountain in Malinalco, Mexico. Recognize the Pyramid in the background high above the village.
Retreat on the magic mountain in Malinalco, Mexico. Recognize the Pyramid in the background high above the village.

I began recently to  accompany committed individuals in their path of 13 steps of an individual Mayan Initiation. Express your interest in one of the workshops, because for that we first have to work together.




¡Be a Maya-Master of Illusion

and a Clown of Reality!



Events of the Cosmic Theatre

Retreats and Workshop 4 hs – 4 days: We can choose a specific subject or let it happen in the moment. Crucial points for me to work out: trigger a process, share new information (and help participants to "download" them independently, share practical exercises they can make in everyday life).



Spiritual Journeys to Power Places (Mexico, Peru, Switzerland, France / text in spanish so far)

LoveWalks: We overcome personal and urban-collective traumas through rituals with Mother Earth and Meditations. (Foto: first LoveWalk in Prague)

Duration: 4 hs., take place in the big cities


Roots - Trunk - Branches - Crowne, 1-3 days per level (contains the basic knowledge of all Cosmic Theatre Workshops)

Hold from 2008-2010 in Malinalco, Mexico and Babcice, Czech Republic.


Cosmic Theatre - a modern form of shamanism and science, workshop 2 hs. - 4 days

Theatre and Oratory Training, for Stage Artists and Speakers

(please send me an Email)




Go down deep the rabbit hole and explore the Hypercommunication of our daily Cosmic Theatre. Self-similarity  in the Sierpinski-Triangle.
Go down deep the rabbit hole and explore the Hypercommunication of our daily Cosmic Theatre. Self-similarity in the Sierpinski-Triangle.





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Símbolo ancestral de la conciencia del corazón y su expansión. / Ancient symbol of heart consciousness and tis expansion. / Uraltes Symbol des Herzbewusstseins und seiner Ausweitung.