Sea of abundance

This was the beautiful title that Zita gave to the New Year workshop I gave at her centro Druna in Prague from 8-10 January 2010. I felt a collective transformation that is  typical in my experience with groups of mainly Czech people: first there is a barrier of fear and closure to overcome, but when that barrier opens, very deep East European souls reveal their freedom and the group’s sensibility, deepness and enthusiasm (=”to be filled with God”) is not to stop. The members of that wonderful group grew together harmonically through the 3 days of inner and outer adventure for our soul, and in the end we had one of this indescribable moments of silence and understanding without words (where indeed so much is in the universe), … when everybody stayed sitting there, when nobody wanted to go.

Together we found out, experienced it in our bodies, feelings and in (creative) actions that ABUNDANCE (and the creation of new abundant realities) is development of our consciousness, seeing in the mirror without fear and breaking limits; it is mainly a way of life, that begins with tiny moments of respect, of entering in balance between giving and receiving, of discovering first the abundance in more and more aspects (and levels) of life to be later on capable to call that abundance into life. – Thank you again your wonderfull Czech friends with whom I have the honour to colaborate since 2007, thank you again for that incredible experience! SEE YOU AGAIN IN BABCICE, CZECH REPUBLIC, RETREAT OF MAYAN SCHOOL OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS,  28-30 MAY 2010.  Lots of love, Pascal

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